This Morning at 2:47am

Weather Station

We had sky-high A/C electric costs this last billing cycle. Ugh! It’ll probably be even higher this coming billing cycle. Late night/early morning temps like the ones shown in the photograph have been producing daytime highs …

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One of the best automobiles I’ve owned was this Toyota Prius. Economical (50 mpg) and fun to drive, I went everywhere in it. This photograph was taken in 2009. A few years later I wanted something …

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Lesser of Two Evils


Curious as to what particular category my current political beliefs put me in, I took the Pew Research Center’s online Political Typology Quiz. The results are below. Democratic Mainstays make up a larger share of the …

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Jet Engines

Jet Engine Art

These three photographs were taken in July of 2013 at the air museum at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside, California. 13″x19″ prints look great on the wall.

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What Will Tomorrow Bring

Photinia Leaves

It’s early June 2024 and I’ve started moving the furniture around, metaphorically speaking, once again here on BusLoadaHippies, in hopes of getting back to a more traditional style blog (whatever that is, right?). The problem is …

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